A Guide for Business and Using Virtual Phone Numbers

In today’s dynamic business environment, effective communication is more important than ever. With the rise of remote work and global business operations, traditional phone systems often fall short of meeting the needs of modern businesses. Enter the virtual phone number—a powerful tool that’s revolutionizing the way companies handle communication. This guide will delve into the concept of virtual phone numbers, how they operate, and why they may be the ideal solution for enhancing your business’s communication strategy.

 What is a Virtual Number?

A virtual phone number, sometimes referred to as an online or digital phone number, breaks the traditional link between a phone number and a specific device or location. Unlike conventional phone numbers tied to a physical line in your office or home, virtual numbers function independently of any particular hardware. They use cloud-based technology to enable calls, making them incredibly versatile and adaptable to the needs of modern businesses.

This type of number allows businesses to route calls to any device—whether it’s a smartphone, laptop, or desk phone—based on preferences or availability. The flexibility of virtual numbers is a key advantage, particularly for businesses that need to maintain constant contact with customers, clients, and team members, regardless of geographical boundaries.

How a Virtual Phone Number Works

Virtual phone numbers utilize Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, a method that converts voice into digital signals and transmits them over the internet. Here’s how it works:

1. Internet-Based Operation: Unlike traditional phone lines, which require physical connections, virtual phone numbers operate entirely over the internet. This means you don’t need to install extra hardware or maintain complex wiring systems.

2. Device Independence: Calls made to a virtual phone number can be routed to multiple devices, such as smartphones, computers, or VoIP-enabled phones. This ensures that whether you’re in the office, at home, or traveling, you can receive calls seamlessly.

3. Advanced Features: Virtual numbers come with a range of features that enhance business communication. These can include call forwarding, voicemail-to-email, call recording, auto-attendants, and integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

4. Cost-Effective Communication: Since virtual phone numbers operate over the internet, they eliminate the need for costly infrastructure. You only pay for the service, which is typically far more affordable than traditional phone systems, especially for international communication.

Traditional vs. Virtual Number: The Benefits

To fully appreciate the advantages of virtual phone numbers, it’s helpful to compare them directly with traditional phone numbers:

Flexibility: Traditional phone numbers are tied to specific devices, usually fixed in one location. If you’re out of the office, you might miss important calls. Virtual numbers, however, allow you to answer calls on any internet-connected device, ensuring you remain accessible no matter where you are.

Scalability: As your business grows, so do your communication needs. Traditional systems require additional lines and hardware to accommodate more users, which can be expensive and time-consuming to install. Virtual phone numbers, on the other hand, can be easily scaled up or down as needed, without any physical modifications. You can add new lines or reassign numbers to different team members with just a few clicks.

Cost-Effectiveness: The cost of installing and maintaining a traditional phone system can be substantial. There are upfront costs for hardware, ongoing maintenance fees, and higher charges for long-distance or international calls. Virtual phone numbers eliminate these costs, operating entirely through your existing internet connection. This not only reduces expenses but also simplifies your communication setup.

Global Reach: Traditional numbers are often limited to specific regions, which can be a drawback if your business operates internationally. With virtual phone numbers, you can easily obtain local numbers in different countries, allowing you to establish a global presence without the need for physical offices in those locations. This also benefits your customers, as they can contact you using a local number, avoiding international call charges.

Enhanced Features: Traditional phone systems are often limited in terms of features, requiring expensive add-ons for advanced capabilities. Virtual numbers come with a host of built-in features, such as call routing, automated attendants, voicemail-to-email, and detailed call analytics. These features help streamline your communication processes and improve customer service.


In an era where business is increasingly conducted on a global scale and remote work is becoming the norm, virtual phone numbers offer a versatile and cost-effective solution for modern communication challenges. They provide the flexibility to stay connected across various devices and locations, the scalability to grow with your business, and a wide range of features to enhance productivity and customer satisfaction.

As businesses continue to evolve, embracing tools like virtual phone numbers is essential for staying competitive. Companies like Fortis Communication, a leader in the voice sector, provide robust solutions that can further enhance your communication capabilities. Whether you’re looking to streamline your communication, reduce costs, or expand your reach, virtual phone numbers—supported by reliable providers like Fortis Communication—can play a crucial role in helping your business thrive.