Conquer Abandoned Cart Syndrome: 7 Effective Strategies for SMS Remarketing

Utilizing SMS marketing for increased conversions extends beyond mere promotional text blasts. A robust text message marketing strategy capitalizes on SMS remarketing’s potential to reconnect with existing audiences, bolster lead conversion rates, counter lazy cart syndrome, and amplify sales alongside brand recognition.

But what exactly is “abandoned cart syndrome”? It refers to the phenomenon where customers abandon their shopping carts without completing a purchase, presenting a significant challenge for e-commerce brands. According to the Baymard Institute, the global average shopping cart abandonment rate exceeds 69.99%, translating to a staggering $260 billion in lost revenue annually.

To mitigate this challenge and recover lost revenue, businesses must prioritize SMS remarketing efforts. By mastering the art of SMS remarketing implementation, businesses can witness notable upticks in lead conversion rates and sales figures.

Strategically Combat Abandoned Cart Syndrome Through SMS Remarketing: 7 Effective

Tactics As mobile online shopping exhibits a staggering cart abandonment rate exceeding 85 percent, it becomes imperative to engage customers on their mobile devices for conversion. Below, discover seven proven methods to leverage SMS remarketing campaigns, effectively replenishing and finalizing those abandoned shopping carts.

1. Get Phone Numbers

As SMS marketing gains traction, acquiring phone numbers from customers and site visitors has become increasingly streamlined.

One effective method to expand your SMS subscriber list involves requesting customers to provide their phone numbers and opt-in to receive texts from your business. This can be seamlessly integrated into the in-store experience or incorporated into the online checkout process, facilitating the rapid accumulation of phone numbers.

Additionally, incentivizing customers to join your SMS marketing list can yield favorable results. Offering a compelling one-time incentive, such as a discount on their next purchase or a complimentary add-on service during their next visit, serves as a persuasive motivator for subscription.

2. Secure Written Consent

Maintaining SMS Compliance: Safeguarding Your Brand’s Reputation and Customers’ Privacy. SMS marketing presents a lucrative avenue, underscoring the utmost importance of adhering to regulatory standards. Prioritizing SMS compliance is essential, as it demonstrates respect for customers’ privacy and protects your brand’s reputation.

Securing express written consent from customers can be seamlessly achieved through various methods, such as prompting them to fill out a form to subscribe to text messages. Additionally, some brands implement a double opt-in approach, wherein consumers are required to reply “YES” via text to confirm their desire to receive marketing messages.

3. Initiate Your Remarketing Campaigns

In contrast to conventional SMS marketing, an SMS remarketing campaign is meticulously tailored to individual customers.

Once you’ve obtained consent to communicate via text with your customers, it’s time to launch your remarketing campaigns! Here are some recommended strategies to craft an SMS remarketing strategy that captivates customers while maintaining a respectful approach:

Prioritize list segmentation: Segregating your SMS subscriber list based on factors like past purchases, interests, or demographic data ensures targeted messaging tailored to specific audience segments.

Deploy reminders: For customers who have abandoned their carts, a gentle reminder can prompt them to complete their transactions. Sending abandoned cart reminders is a straightforward method to re-engage with customers who may have overlooked their intended purchase.

Incorporate a Call-to-Action: Simplify the next steps for your subscribers by providing links for purchases, review submissions, or exploring new releases. Ensure that the benefits of your SMS marketing messages are clear to customers, encouraging them to remain subscribed.

Initiate Inquiries: Utilize questions within your marketing messages to gather customer insights or feedback on past purchases. Begin with concise yes or no queries or prompt customers to rate products or services on a scale of one to ten.

4. Promote Sales

While customized SMS marketing campaigns tend to yield the best results, employing a more universal approach can also be fruitful. Text blasts, for instance, offer a convenient means to connect with consumers, who dedicate an average of 5.4 hours daily to their mobile devices.

Utilizing SMS to promote sales instills a sense of urgency, compelling consumers to act promptly. Moreover, text blasts can simultaneously reach hundreds, if not thousands, of subscribers, ensuring rapid results.

5. Offer Discounts and Send Coupons

As previously noted, providing customers with an incentive to subscribe to marketing texts from your brand can significantly boost conversions and sales. Furthermore, distributing an exclusive discount or offer code can incentivize individuals to either make new purchases or revisit abandoned carts.

With mobile phone users checking their devices up to 63 times per day on average, delivering special offers directly to customers’ mobile phones facilitates convenient access to coupons while in-store or enables swift purchases with just a few taps on their smartphones.

6. Share Exclusive Content

While enlisting customers in your SMS subscriber list may not pose significant difficulty, the true test lies in retaining these subscribers and nurturing them into loyal patrons.

Crafting tailored content exclusively for insiders enables you to cultivate your subscriber base into a community of actively engaged consumers. This approach increases the likelihood of these individuals advocating for your business through word-of-mouth promotion.

7. Analyze Your Results

The effectiveness of an SMS remarketing campaign is contingent upon the results it yields. As an integral component of your SMS marketing strategy, it is imperative to identify and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess campaign success.

For instance, to gauge unique clicks, leveraging an SMS marketing platform or analytics tool such as Google Analytics enables tracking of campaign metrics via customized URLs (UTMs). Platforms like VeloSMS provide automated tracking of campaign analytics, encompassing delivery, open, and click rates.

Consideration should also be given to monitoring additional SMS marketing KPIs, including:

  • Subscriber growth rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Attrition rate
  • Response rate
  • Return on investment (ROI)

Pro Tips for Decreasing Abandoned Cart Syndrome

In addition to using SMS remarketing strategies, creating a good user experience is key to attracting and retaining customer trust.

Optimize Your Checkout Process

A streamlined checkout process is crucial in preventing customer disengagement and combating lazy cart syndrome. Simplifying the number of clicks required for purchase is paramount to encouraging completion.

Experts advise against mandating registration before purchase unless customers comprehend the benefits, such as time-saving on future transactions. By refining the checkout process, you can minimize the occurrence of lazy cart syndrome and enhance the likelihood of successful transactions.

Enhance Website Speed

Lagging page speed significantly impacts e-commerce sales, often leading to customer frustration and cart abandonment. Studies reveal that even a mere one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% decrease in conversions and 11% fewer page views.

To mitigate sales loss attributable to sluggish page speed, it’s imperative to optimize website pages for swift loading across all devices. Implementing strategies such as image size reduction, employing content delivery networks, and utilizing caching techniques are essential in enhancing page load times.

Establish Customer Trustworthiness

Ensuring a secure and well-designed website with appropriate safety certifications is pivotal in fostering customer trust and securing their patronage. SSL encryption safeguards customer data during transmission, while secure payment processing methods bolster transaction security.

Transparency in privacy policies is paramount, alongside prompt communication of any potential security incidents to customers. By prioritizing these measures, e-commerce store owners uphold the safety and confidence of both their business and clientele.

Transparent Communication of Additional Charges

Unexpected fees, particularly high shipping charges, can deter customers and lead to cart abandonment. Customers may perceive such charges as unfair or find them to significantly inflate the final purchase price.

To mitigate the risk of lazy cart syndrome, e-commerce enterprises should ensure transparent disclosure of all fees upfront and streamline the checkout process for clarity. Offering various payment options and incentives like free shipping can further diminish cart abandonment rates and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Commence SMS Remarketing with VeloSMS

Discover the potent impact of SMS remarketing campaigns on elevating sales. When you’re prepared to convert leads and amplify brand visibility, VeloSMS stands ready to assist.